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Reentry Project

P.O. Box 52
Austell,GA 30168
(888) 973-3687
Reentry Project
Reentry Project


The program is for males 20 to 29 years of age;

first time offenders;

misdemeanor offense;

ex-offenders must be out from prison no more than 2 weeks;

residents of service area only

Provides housing, transportation, job placement and counseling; maximum stay six to twelve months.

REFERRAL REQUIRED: case worker, jails, correctional facilities, Labor Department

Mission Statement: Re-Entry Project [Cobb County, GA.] impacts our community by lending a helping hand to young men between the ages of 20-29 years old who served time in state prisons or local jails for a period not exceeding 5 years for offenses classified as misdemeanors and some felonies not involving manslaughter, gun related offenses, drug trafficking and child molestation charges.