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Gastineau Human Services Corporation (GHS)

5597 Aisek St
Juneau,AK 99801
(907) 780-4338
Gastineau Human Services Corporation (GHS)


Gastineau Human Services Corporation (GHS), a private non-profit voluntary agency provides opportunities to gain the skills and lifestyles necessary to enable ex-offenders to better themselves and the community.

They also offer residential reentry program in Juneau for adults referred by the State of Alaska Department of Corrections. This program helps formerly incarcerated men and women prepare for reintegration back into the community by focusing on substance abuse treatment, reconnection with family, employment, and long-term housing.

They serve individuals, their families, and the community by providing structured treatment and employment program opportunities with an emphasis on those persons who are criminal offenders and/or substance abusers.

Mission Statement: Helping people rebuild their lives.