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Steps 4 Life Community Services

550 N Orange St
Redlands,CA 92374
(909) 335-1488
Steps 4 Life Community Services
Steps 4 Life Community Services


Recidivism Prevention (RP)

Lack of housing for women or men released from incarceration, along with the emotional struggles of substance abuse and mental health issues (Co-Occurring Disorder) makes recidivism the norm and returning to homelessness a standard. At (S4LCS) a client can be housed for up to 24 months. Our environment teaches coping skills that can change their lives, help them become productive member of society and reduce the recidivism rate of returning to incarceration.

Traditional Sober Supportive Housing - Women with Children

This program provides transitional housingand supportive services that help with residential stability.

Also includes life skills classes, case management, employmentreadinessskills assistance, educational guidance, and goal setting to women with children.;Income Support and Employment;

Ex-Offender Reentry Programs; Transitional Housing/Shelter';'Income Support and Employment; Housing;

Mission Statement: Steps 4 Life Community Service’s mission is to empower individuals and families to receive the necessary training, education and life skills that will allow them to re-enter society as positive individual to our communities.